- 44th Annual Photo Contest
- 52 Things To Do Outside Before You Grow Up
- Aged Tree
- All About Turtles
- Become a Junior Indiana Master Naturalist
- Bug Month
- Called It: Frogs
- Caring for Photographs
- Celebrate the St.Joe BioBlitz
- Citizenship Project Survey
- Clouds 101
- COVID-19 Update
- Create a Birdfeeder Buffet
- Daylight Saving Time
- DeFries I Spy
- Earth Day 2020
- Earth Month Tree Passports
- Elkhart County Trivia
- Evergreen Conifers
- Frozen Footsteps
- Hike your heart out!
- Hiking with Apps
- How to Be An Epic Explorer
- Leap Year 101
- Make Every Bird Count
- New Crossroads Exhibit
- New ways to connect
- Nostalgic Naturalist
- Nostalgic Naturalist
- Nostalgic Naturalist
- Nostalgic Naturalist
- Nostalgic Naturalist
- Parks Closed Jan 30-31
- Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz
- Public Meeting
- Public Meeting
- Ride On
- Soloing an Owl Prowl
- Spring Birding Challenge
- Spring Wildflower BioBlitz
- Spring Wildflower BioBlitz
- Springo!
- Springo!
- Spying on Sandhill Cranes
- Surviving the Ice Age in Northern Indiana
- The Delicious Dandelion
- Tick Talk
- Wildlife Tracks
- Winter Scavenger Hunt
- Baintertown Shelter
- Baldwin One Room Schoolhouse
- Benton Shelter
- Black Maple Shelter
- Bonneyville Mill
- Boot Lake Nature Preserve
- Briar Patch Shelter
- Cobus Creek
- Cobus Creek Shelter
- Coffee Tree Shelter
- Corson Riverwoods
- Cottonwood Shelter
- DeFries Gardens
- Elkhart County Historical Museum
- Feedlot Shelter
- Fisherman’s Camp Shelter
- Hickory Hill Chapel
- Honey Locust Shelter
- Kum Mol Rie Shelter
- Lieber Nature Preserve
- Lookout Shelter
- Meadow Shelter
- Museum Auditorium
- Ox Bow
- Ox Bow Haus Shelter
- Pumpkinvine Nature Trail
- Red Pines Campfire
- River Preserve
- Stable Shelter
- Treasure Island
- Weddings at DeFries Gardens
- A Walk in the Park
- A Walk in the Park
- A Walk in the Park
- A Walk in the Park
- Adventure Bike Camp
- Animal Meet-n-Greet
- Batter Up: Baseball in Elkhart County History
- Bike Ride to Middlebury
- Birding for Shy People
- Bison Ranch
- Bonneyville Bird Fest
- Bonneyville Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast
- Books & Boots
- Books & Boots
- Books & Boots
- Books & Boots
- Books & Boots
- Bug Night
- Build Your Stars
- Cast Iron Cookout & Swap Meet
- Cobus Family Campout
- Creatures of the Night: Aquatic Insects
- Creatures of the Night: Bats
- Creatures of the Night: Moth Rave
- Creatures of the Night: Rodents of Unusual Size
- Creatures of the Night: Spiders
- Creatures of the Night: The Twilight Zone
- Curiosity Club: Art
- Curiosity Club: Sports
- Curiosity Club: Water
- Dog Walk Social
- Dogapalooza
- Elkhart County Stand Down
- Fall Night Hike
- Feature Grain Day
- Feature Grain Day
- Feature Grain Day
- Fighting Irish Football Book Talk
- Flour Paint
- Flying Wild Educator Workshop
- Forest Bathing
- Forest Bathing
- Forest Bathing
- Forestry Camp
- Guided Gallery Experience
- Guided Gallery Experience
- Guided Gallery Experience
- Guided Gallery Experience
- Guided Gallery Experience
- Guided Gallery Experience – I Spy Journey Stories
- Guided Painting Class
- Hiking Club
- Hiking Club
- Hiking Club
- Hiking Club
- Hiking Club
- Hiking Club
- History Bike Hike
- Hoop Embroidery & Tea
- Hoosier Riverwatch Workshop
- Hoosier Riverwatch Workshop
- Latino Immigrants in Elkhart County History
- Nature Explorer Day Camp
- Nature Journaling
- Nature Journaling
- Nature Journaling
- Nature Nuts: Bluebirds
- Nature Nuts: Bluebirds
- Nature Nuts: Camouflage
- Nature Nuts: Camouflage
- Nature Nuts: Mud
- Nature Nuts: Mud
- Nature Nuts: Seeds & Sprouts
- Nature Nuts: Seeds & Sprouts
- Nature Nuts: Snakes
- Nature Nuts: Snakes
- Nature Nuts: Tree Animals
- Nature Nuts: Tree Animals
- Night Hike
- Night Hike
- Oak Ridge Cemetery Walking Tour
- Open House at the Schoolhouse
- Open House at the Schoolhouse
- Open House at the Schoolhouse
- Open House at the Schoolhouse
- Open House at the Schoolhouse
- Paleo Night
- Perseids Party
- Pinecone Wreath Workshop
- Polliwogs in a Bog
- Red, White & Blue Cornbread Day
- Setting The Millstones
- Spring Bike Ride
- Spring Constellations
- Star Wars Wildflower Walk
- Summer Astronomy
- Summer Family Campout
- Sweet Cycle Ride
- Sweet Cycle Ride
- Sweet Cycle Ride
- The Indiana Banana
- The North American Beaver
- Thrift Hiker
- Trail Trekkers: Animal Tracks & Signs
- Trail Trekkers: Bird Walk
- Trail Trekkers: Fire Building
- Trail Trekkers: Pollinators
- Trail Trekkers: Salamaders
- Trail Trekkers: Tree ID Hike
- Trail Trekkers: Wildflower Walk
- Tree ID Hike
- Trees of the Ice Age
- Trout Day
- Vintage Baseball Mini-Camp
- Volunteer Day: DeFries Garden Clean Up
- Volunteer Day: Ox Bow Invasive Removal
- Wed. Bird Walk: Countryside Nesters
- Wed. Bird Walk: Fall Frenzy
- Wed. Bird Walk: Little Birds on the Prairie
- Wed. Bird Walk: Migration Mania
- Wed. Bird Walk: Mindful Hike
- Wed. Bird Walk: Rainbow Bingo
- Wild Edibles
- Wildflower Walk
- Women Artists Exhibit Opening
- Yoga in the Park
- Yoga in the Park
- Yoga in the Park
- Yoga in the Park
- Yoga in the Park