44th Annual Photo Contest
Photographers of all levels — from smartphone shutterbugs to seasoned DSLR photographers are invited to enter your favorite photos for our 44th Annual Photo Contest. All eligible contestants will have their entries showcased at the Elkhart County Historical Museum starting Jan.20! What are you waiting for? Give us your best shot!

Any photographer may submit pictures for display; however, Elkhart County Parks personnel, their immediate family, and professionals may not compete for awards. Elkhart County Parks reserves the right to reject entries which might be judged in poor taste.
- You may submit up to 3 entries per category.
- Entries may be color or black and white.
- All printed entries must be accompanied by a digital version.
- Forms are available at the Elkhart County Parks administration office and must accompany each picture (attached to the back).
- Photos dimensions must be 5” x 7” minimum to 11” x 14” maximum. Mounted flush or matted (no glass frames or picture hooks).
Attach entry form and deliver photos to one of the locations listed below:
Elkhart County Parks Administrative Office
211 West Lincoln Ave. Goshen, IN 46526
(Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)
Elkhart County Historical Museum
304 W. Vistula St. Bristol, IN 46507
(Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)
- Pictures should be submitted at the highest quality possible (Max Size: 25 mb each).
- All digital copies of entries must be submitted via email by the deadline.
- Submit your digital photos via email to bblackmer@elkhartcounty.com.
Submission Deadline
Photo entries (both print and digital copies) must be submitted by Friday, January 12.
Photo Contest Categories
A) Seasonal Settings
Photos for this are going to be photos of a seasonal time such as something in the fall or winter settings. This could be of anything that makes the season for that person.
B) Nature of the Photo
Inspire with photos showcasing the wild beauty of Michiana flora and fauna. Entries in this category do not have to be taken within the Elkhart County Parks.
C) Activities in the Parks
Share your favorite adventures in the Elkhart County Parks. For this category, photos must be taken within the Elkhart County Parks and can feature visitors, staff, facilities, or landscapes. Eligible properties include:
- Ox Bow County Park
- Bonneyville Mill County Park
- River Preserve County Park
- Boot Lake Nature Preserve
- Cobus Creek County Park
- Elkhart County Historical Museum
- Treasure Island
- Pumpkinvine Nature Trail
- Six-Span Bridge Boat Launch
- Corson Riverwoods County Park
Youth entries will be selected from all three existing categories. Photographers must be 16 years of age or younger to be considered. Please enter your photograph in categories A, B, or C, and indicate your age when submitting entries. Photos will be judged in their respective category, then separated for judging in the Youth Category.
Judging & Awards
Three independent judges will pick winners and award ribbons for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category, including Youth entries. Special ribbons will also be given to the Best of Show and Best Black & White winners.
Photo Display
All entries will be displayed at a special two-week exhibit at the Elkhart County Historical Museum from Saturday, January 20 through Sunday, February 4, 2024.
Photo Pickup
After the display, entries and awards will be available for pickup at the Elkhart County Parks Administration Office beginning Monday, February 5, 2024. Photos MUST be picked up by 4 p.m. on Thursday, February 29, 2024, or they will become property of the Elkhart County Parks. Elkhart County Parks will not be responsible for damaged or stolen photos.
This photography contest is an annual event to inspire connections with the culture and nature of Elkhart County. Elkhart County Parks receives the right to reproduce, at its own expense, any photo entered in this contest for promotional purposes, such as digital and print publications.
Important Dates
- JAN 12 – Photo Entry Deadline
- JAN 19 – Photo Judging
- JAN 20 – Photo Contest Reception (Museum 10 am-12 pm)
- JAN 20-FEB 4 – Photo Contest Exhibition
- FEB 5 – Photo pickup begins
- FEB 29 – Deadline for photo pickup