Since the Elkhart County Parks was founded, community members have been instrumental in the growth and development of our park system, and that’s a tradition well worth continuing into the future.

Our Mission

Since 1995, the Friends of the Elkhart County Parks has provided an opportunity for volunteers and donors to share their skills, contributions, and knowledge to support the Elkhart County Parks.

Your Gift

Your donation is tax deductable and 100% will be used to create a stronger and sustainable Elkhart County Parks system. If you would like to adopt a specific large project, please contact 574-535-6458.

The Friends is a 501(c)3 non-for-profit volunteer group dedicated to building Elkhart County Parks’ future in:

Preserving the county’s cultural, historical, and natural resources.

Enhancing the quality of life through diverse opportunities in outdoor recreation.

Providing interpretive education resources for our community–no matter the age.

Donations may be sent to:
Friends of the Elkhart County Parks
211 W. Lincoln Ave.
Goshen, IN 46526