Sandhill Crane Trip

Experience the awe and majesty of the largest concentration of Sandhill Cranes in Indiana on a naturalist-led trip to Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area in Medaryville, IN. During migration, there could be up to 25,000 cranes congregated and you don’t want to miss it. After a short talk in the shelter, participants will travel from Ox Bow County Park to see these amazing birds in all their glory. Binoculars and cameras are highly recommended. We will provide transportation for the first 10 participants wanting a ride. All others will need to provide their own transportation.

About This Event

Date: November 23, 2024

Time: 3:00 pm -  7:00 pm

Location: Ox Bow

Shelter:Ox Bow Haus Shelter

Cost:$5/person (Limit 20)


Register By: November 21

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