Wed. Bird Walk: Pine Perchers

Summer birds may have left the scene, but a new group of birds is swooping in to take their place – the pine perchers! As winter approaches, mixed flocks of conifer seed-specialists – like siskins, kinglets, and nuthatches – move into our area in places where pines are abundant. Step into the evergreens to watch these charismatic birds, inch up trunks, pluck insects from treetop, and hang upside-down from pinecones as they fuel up for the cooler months to come. The group will head out at 8 a.m. — please plan travel time accordingly.

• What to Expect: Come prepared for a 2-mile hike
• Suggested Gear: Hiking boots and weather-ready layers.

About This Event

Date: October 2, 2024

Time: 8:00 am -  10:00 am

Location: Bonneyville Mill

Shelter:Kum Mol Rie Shelter

Cost:Free (No Registration Required)


Register By: No Registration Required

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